Thursday, October 5, 2017

Super STEM Wednesday!

We decided to try something new this year.  The first Wednesday of every month the third grade team has decided to do STEM activities with our students.  The students rotated through three STEM activities, where they worked in collaborative groups to investigate, explore and problem solve. The first station was called Tie-Dyed Milk.  Students got to find out what happened when you add food coloring and dish soap to milk.

The next station was Help Harry!  The students were each given a bag of supplies and Harry (he is a pom pom).  Their task was to create a tower that would lift Harry as high up as they could. The tower must keep Harry safe and be free standing.

The last activity was the Tower Trials.  Students planned and built a tower using Legos, spaghetti and marshmallows. 

Fun was had by all! We are definitely going to make this a monthly thing!


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