Friday, December 22, 2017

Using Kami in the Classroom

Have you heard of Kami? Have you seen this tool in action? If not, you are missing out! This add-on can be found in the Chrome Web Store. This add-on allows the user to type and write on PDF files so that you can annotate texts, add notes and details, and color code ideas. Even though we have iPads in our classroom Kami is a powerful tool I use when I am in other classes that have Chromebooks.

We have a new English Language Arts (ELA) program that we are implementing this year and it includes a lot of graphic organizers that teachers either need to print and copy for their classes or recreate in an editable document. Kami eliminates both of these steps and allows teachers to simply push out a graphic organizer and have students annotate the PDF and turn in their work with a few simple clicks.

Kami works with the Google Drive and Classroom so that teachers can make the most use of their instructional and planning time. With the paid version you can create Google Classroom assignments directly in Kami. You can assign PDFs to students in your Google Classroom for students to open and annotate in the free version of Kami as well.

The most difficult thing to teach kids about Kami (and really it isn't that hard - its just that third graders don't always listen the first, second, or third times) is that when they are done with their work they must save it with the annotations otherwise their work will be lost.

I have been able to digitally sign documents, keep track of time sheets, and mileage reports, as well as add directions to student documents while using Kami.

This is a tool worth checking out!

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